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Bible Study/Sharing
Daughters of St. Mary
Knights of Columbus
Each week from 1:30 for an hour in the meeting room there's a Bible Study that meets. Both men and women are welcome to attend. The Bible Study Group meets between September through May.
The study used is called, "The Bread of Life Catholic Bible Study," written by Deacon Ken and Marie Finn. This workbook follows the Liturgical calendar of the Church and prepares you for the upcoming Sunday Mass. There are 3 cycles (year A, B, and C) which corresponds with the cycles of the Church year. The key to this study is in training you to listen to what God is saying to you.
Each weekly chapter consists of a daily breakdown of study:
Each study has personal questions giving those who wish the opportunity to share and focus on how Christ is working in their lives. It also helps to guide us on how to live more fully as a Christian. Sharing is always optional.
Each study begins and ends with prayer, and our prayer for you is to come to know the loving God that we come to know through his Word and find the joy and peace that can be yours.
If you are interested in joining the study contact the office and they can give your contact information to the P.O.C. and she will contact you.
Below are some links you will find helpful:
St. Dismas Guild Bible Study
St. Dismas Guild Weekly Podcast
K of C Supreme
Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Conn., and a group of parishioners. Their intent? To bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families.
Charity is at the heart of our work and our faith -- and it always has been. For the Knights of Columbus, charity means supporting a virtually boundless variety of projects. With 1.9 million members around the world, we have been investing our time, effort and resources into our values of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism since 1882.
They are the Knights on Main Street, the men you probably envision when someone says Knights of Columbus to you. They’re present in their distinct regalia at Civic and Church events, acting as honor guards and color corps, or standing in respect at the funerals of members or during adoration of the Eucharist.
But there is more to being a Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus than a uniform. They are the men who have chosen to embrace the Order’s fourth principle of patriotism, the men who lead the efforts to reach out to veterans and active military and to embody the fact that one can be a faithful Catholic and also be a faithful citizen.
Established in 1950 to meet the needs of Berwick Catholic men from Saint Cyril and Methodius, Saint Joseph and Immaculate Conception Churches. Council 3301 meets at the council hall on the first Wednesday of each month. Their charitable works include Sunday breakfasts, student scholarships, community outreach, as well as, vetrran and church programs. Contact Council 3301 at 1416 W Front St, Berwick, PA 18603, (570) 752-4000. To be a Knight of Columbus man means that you strive to live a life of faith in action, a life of boldness in brotherhood, and a life worth living.