Our Lenten Fish Fry is almost here! Check our bulletin or the flyer attached. The prices are the same ($13) as last year with all the same sides and awesome fish and desserts. It will be every Friday beginning February 21st until April 11th, with the same time as usual - 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. We will be starting two weeks before lent, since the lenten season and Easter is so late this year; we just couldn't wait! Call ahead or eat-in AND delivery is also available: 570-759-9227
Beginning on Wednesday evenings on September 18th, at 6 p.m., Father Barbee will be presenting an exciting series on the Catholic Faith. The group will meet most nights. On the first night a schedule will be passed out. If you know of someone who is curious about the Catholic Faith, or you have questions and want to know more, this is just the opportunity for you.
Cancer survivors and those suffering with Cancer, or if you have a loved one with cancer, this is a great group to learn about resources, talk with those who are going through, or have gone through cancer, in a confidential setting. Contact the office for more information or Sab Monatesti.
Every first Sunday after the 10 a.m. Mass there are coffee, tea and donuts available in the Parish Center. Everyone is invited to come and fellowship with us.
Once again, parishioners are receiving calls and/or texts saying it is Father Barbee needing gifts cards or money to help whomever (cancer patients etc.). Please delete and avoid engaging in conversation or responding to them. Please pass the word again!