Ministry at Saint Mary’s Church begins with the Parish Council. The Parish Pastoral Council provides an essential framework through which we share the responsibility to carry on the work of Christ both as individuals and as part of a community of believers through various ministries. Parish Pastoral Councils are potentially the most effective means of joining together the people of God to fulfill the mission of the Church. The Parish Pastoral Council is a community of service enabling six primary missions:
This area of mission is constantly seeking new ways to reach out to others with the message of God’s love. For example, St. Mary's provides Eucharistic Adoration, Home Visitations, and The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults as community outreach activities. If you wish to join our family you may register online using our Registration page.
This area of mission includes all parish activities that are directed to the formation of its members, both children and adults. For example, St. Mary's provides parish programs of Religious Education, known as Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) for students between first and eighth grade. We provide Sacramental Preparation for students in second grade, First Communion, and a two year Confirmation program for our seventh and eighth grade students. Summer Vacation Bible School Programs are made available for our first through fifth grade students. For adults, our Bible Study Group is very active, and we promote adult education for new catholics through the Right of Christian Initiation (RCIA). Our calendar and bulletin highlights many of these activities.
This Area of Mission fosters a sense of belonging among the members of the parish. These programs, ministries and activities strengthen and support the parish as a community of faith. The mission for Pastoral Ministry encompasses all the programs and activities of a parish that strengthen the sense of being a christian community. Saint Mary’s Church supports numerous pastoral groups that focus on bringing members and non-members alike into our christian family. A few examples include, Spanish Ministry, Bereavement Committee and Outreach (Matthew 25 and Love of Neighbor), Council of Catholic Women (Bishop Pennies), Knights of Columbus, Marriage Preparation (Pre Cana), Parish Communications (our bulletin and this website), Prayer Chain, Pro-Life Committee/Respect Life Concerns. We also have social events, such as picnics, festivals, dances, etc. (annual fish fry and parish picnic), and our welcoming committee who meet and greet all comers at church doors before all services.
This area of mission is to nourish and give direction to the liturgical and worship elements of the parish. We believe the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the church is directed; at the same time it is the font from which all the church’s power flows. A critical component of the liturgy is the Mass, composed of the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of the Eucharist. The practice of our faith encompasses many mission roles and activities, such as, Altar Servers, Cantors, Choir, Eucharistic Adorations, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound, Hospitality/Greeters and Lectors, Ushers, 40 Hours Devotion, Liturgy of the Hours and Music (that includes an organist and/or liturgy director).
This area of mission considers those issues that demand our concern in order that the dignity and rights of each person may be preserved. A few areas brought forward by our community include Advocacy Programs for Housing Assistance, Employment and Discrimination, Bereavement Ministry, Operation Rice Bowl, Saint Vincent de Paul Society, Third World Missions (Catholic Charities) and the Berwick Area Ministerium.
This area of mission encourages unity and understanding within the Christian family, and reaches out to non-Christians who share with us a belief in God. We believe that an understanding and appreciation for the beliefs of others can enrich our own faith and can be a privileged moment of sharing the Gospel as we share spiritual insights with those of other faith traditions. A few elements of this mission include implementation on the local level of the Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic Covenant (Berwick Area Ministerium), providing opportunities for praying for and with others who share our faith in Jesus Christ and through a community Vacation Bible School attended by parishioners, teachers and children of many faiths.