Location:Knights of Columbus building, 1416 W. Front St, Berwick, PA 18603
– The Home Association of the Knights of Columbus, Berwick Council 3301, also known
as The Casey Club, will hold a special meeting on January 8, 2025, at its home at 1416 W. Front St, Berwick, Pa. This special meeting is limited to members of the aforesaid organization in good standing. The meeting will be convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Knights of Columbus Council 3301 monthly business meeting which will commence at 7pm. The purpose of this special meeting is the discussion & voting upon amendment to the By-laws of the aforesaid organization & the agenda if the special meeting is limited thereto. Copies of the proposed amendments have been provided to membership of the aforesaid organization & further amendment may be proposed by the membership from the floor prior to the note on any amendments.